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IMS. PFM. TY. ILY - the series of collages and the installation, showing the harmful effects of human activity—garbage, exhaust fumes, and landfills.


Around the edges, a Hawaiian prayer is embroidered, saying: "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." This prayer, rooted in the Ho'oponopono tradition, highlights the tension between human destructiveness and the potential for repentance and renewal and embodies a spiritual cleansing and reconciliation process.


Embroidery, as a traditional form of women's craft, symbolizes the nurturing and caretaking roles women often embrace in society. This art form, characterized by patience and attention to detail, mirrors the persistent and compassionate efforts women contribute to environmental advocacy and leadership. In doing so, I emphasize how women play a crucial role in healing and restoring the environment, using their voices and actions to promote sustainable practices and inspire change within their communities and beyond. I honor the unique contributions of women in the ongoing fight for a healthier planet.

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The flowers that crown the installation symbolize hope and rebirth, suggesting that through sincere effort and a genuine change in consciousness, humanity can foster a symbiotic relationship with nature once more.


I see the work as a meditation on the interconnectedness of all life and the moral imperative to act as stewards of the environment. It echoes themes of existential responsibility and the possibility of redemption, suggesting that despite the damage inflicted, there remains an enduring hope that humanity can mend its ways and the earth, in turn, can heal and forgive. This installation serves as both a solemn reflection on our current plight and an inspiring call to action, encouraging a shift from a path of destruction to one of harmony and reverence for the natural world.

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